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Release notes

Date: 13.01.2025
Search query parameter added to GET List of deactivated employees endpoint in HR API
From now on GET List of deactivated employees endpoint in HR API supports new parameter - searchQuery. It allows to filter employees by First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone/Cell Phone Number, Salary Identifier and SSN.

Date: 27.11.2024
PrimaryDepartmentId property added to GET List of employees endpoint response in HR API
From now on GET List of employees endpoint in HR API will return employee's PrimaryDepartmentId (if set).

Date: 30.10.2024
Search query parameter added to GET List of employees endpoint in HR API
From now on GET List of employees endpoint in HR API supports new parameter - searchQuery. It allows to filter employees by First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone/Cell Phone Number, Salary Identifier and SSN.

Date: 01.10.2024
Deprecation of the X-OpenAPI-Region HTTP header
Planday is retiring its Australia region, thus removing its multi-regional support. Previously, it was possible to specify in which region (Europe or Australia) a given HTTP request would be send to by adding a X-OpenaAPI-Region HTTP header to the request. Starting from 01.10.2024, this header will have no effect.

Date: 08.08.2023
Complete support for Skills in OpenAPI
New endpoints in the HR Skills controller allow you to manage portal's skills fully via OpenAPI. See previous release notes for details on how to utilise skills for scheduling.

Date: 28.07.2023
Skills support in Schedule & HR API
It is now possible to use the skills feature in Planday OpenAPI. Beware that skills are enabled on portals upon request. Skills allow schedule admins to effectively match employees to shifts they are qualified to take.

  • GET Get a list of skills available to be assigned to employees and shifts.
  • HR endpoints let you GET get skills assigned to an employee and allow you to PUT update the list or assign skills during employee creation POST.
  • Schedule endpoints let you GET get skills required for a shift. You can specify the skills when POST creating or PUT updating a shift. To require skills on certain shifts automatically, you can assign skills to schedule positions (GET, PUT, POST).

Supervisor field now supported in HR API
You can now manipulate the Supervisor field via HR endpoints. Please note that the supervisor field is available on portals upon request. You can get a list of employees who can be assigned as supervisors using the dedicated endpoint which also exposes their supervisorID that must be used when assigning the supervisor to another employee. The field is also available in employee's create, update and get endpoints.

  • GET Get a list of employees who can be assigned as supservisors using their supervisorID.
  • GET Get employee by ID endpoint now exposes supervisorID and the field is also available when POST creating or PUT updating an employee. The GET endpoint also offers a supervisorEmployeeId field which lets you skip the lookup of the supervisor ID to learn the supervisor's employee ID.

Date: 26.06.2023
Salary period support in Pay API
The Salary Period feature was recently rolled out to our customers worldwide and Planday's API is following suit. HR admins are now able to specify an employee's salary over a wider range of periods and are not limited to inputting a monthly value. You can get and set the new property in our Salary endpoints. All endpoints default to the original monthly value if not specified otherwise.
New Schedule endpoints

  • GET Get a shift by ID if you want to obtain details of a specific shift without having to page over a list of shifts in the date range.
  • GET Get history of changes of a shift including modify dates and authors of the changes.
  • POST Assign an employee to a shift using a lightweight dedicated endpoint instead of the regular Update Shift endpoint.
  • POST Approve a shift for payroll to finalise admin's last step in preparation to run payroll. This endpoint does not take punchclock data into account.

Schedule endpoint improvements

  • All Shift Type endpoints now offer a wider range of details about the type, such as its salary code and permission for breaks.

Date: 05.04.2023
New Revenue endpoints
New Revenue Unit endpoints allow your integration to manage units on a portal. POS integrations can benefit from this functionality by allowing users to simply map their departments to a 3rd party system without the need to navigate to Planday Settings to manually create Revenue units to store daily revenue data as this process can now be automated via our API.

  • POST Create a new revenue unit
  • PUT Update an existing revenue unit

Date: 14.03.2023
New HR endpoints
We are introducing a new Employee Account Management controller. Using this controller, you can control your employees' credentials and help them access their Planday accounts.
The following endpoints are currently available in the new controller.

  • POST Invite an employee by sending an invite email with a password reset link to their email address (username field used).
  • PUT Change a Username of an employee who wishes to log in to Planday using another email address.
  • PUT Reset an employee's password by sending them an email with a password reset link.

Date: 08.03.2023
New Absence endpoints

  • GET Get list of Adjustments of an accrued absence account.
  • POST Create an Adjustment on an absence account to change its balance.

Date: 28.12.2022
New Schedule endpoints

  • POST Create a shift type
  • PUT Update a shift type

New Absence endpoints

  • PUT Deny an absence request. This endpoint replaces the Cancel request endpoint which is going to be deprecated.
  • PUT Decline an absence record

Absence endpoint improvements

  • GET Absence accounts endpoint now allows you to use pagination. Paging parameters are not required and the endpoint’s behaviour has not changed when the parameters are not included in a request.

Date: 01.09.2022
New Absence endpoint

  • PUT Approve an absence request allows you to approve an employee's request, changing its status to approved and creating a corresponding Absence Record.

Date: 06.04.2022
New domain - Security Group Membership
The Security Group Membership endpoints let you specify what access level should individual employees have.
Example usecase: A new Schedule Admin joined the org using your HR integration. Create the employee's account in Planday using the HR endpoint and then assign them to the Schedule Admin security group using the new PUT endpoint to give them admin access to the portal's schedule.

  • GET Security groups existing on the portal.
  • PUT Add an employee to a security group or update an existing membership.
  • DELETE Remove an employee from a security group to remove their elevated access.

Date: 02.06.2021
Schedule endpoint improvement

  • GET Employee by ID added SupervisorEmployeeId to the response. The Supervisor feature is only available in Planday per request.

Date: 21.04.2021
Schedule endpoint improvement

  • GET Shift types added isActive (shift type status) to the response. The isActive property can also be used as a query parameter.

Date: 12.04.2021
Schedule endpoint improvement

  • GET Available positions added employeeGroupId to the response.

Date: 06.04.2021
New Schedule endpoints

  • POST Shift endpoint is now available and lets you create new shifts in Schedule.
  • PUT Shift endpoint is now available for you to update existing scheduled shifts.
  • DELETE Shift endpoint lets you delete a shift from the system.

Date: 29.03.2021
Schedule endpoint improvement

  • GET Time and cost of shifts endpoint now provides shiftTypeId and positionId in the response.

Date: 02.12.2020
Pay endpoint improvements

  • GET Employee's pay rate in an employee group endpoint now provides a salary code in its response.
  • GET Employee's pay rate in all their employee groups endpoint now provides a salary code in its response.
  • PUT Update employees pay rates in an employee group endpoint now lets you specify a new salary code.

Date: 29.10.2020
Payroll endpoint improvement

  • GET Payroll endpoint now provides departmentId in the shiftsPayroll object.

New Schedule endpoint

  • GET List of deleted shifts endpoint is now available in the Scheduling API.

Date: 28.07.2020
Schedule endpoint improvements

  • GET List of employees added street2 to the response.
  • GET List of deactivated employees added street2 to the response.

Date 10.07.2020
Pay endpoint improvement

  • POST Create a Punch-In entry now supports punch in without a shift. employeeGroupId and departmentId will be mandatory for this request. A shift will get created in Planday upon approval of the punch clock entry.

New Schedule endpoint

  • GET Available sections endpoint is now available in the Scheduling API

Schedule endpoint improvements

  • GET Available positions added sectionId to the response

HR endpoint improvement

  • GET List of employees added employeeTypeId, salaryIdentifier, hiredFrom and deactivationDate to the response.
  • GET List of deactivated employees added employeeTypeId, salaryIdentifier, hiredFrom to the response

Schedule endpoint improvement

  • GET Available positions added departmentId to the response.

Bug fix

  • Fixed an issue where Open API returned 500 error instead of 409 when employeeId was invalid

Date: 20.05.2020
Documentation improvements
Launch of the new API documentation including following improvements

  • Short description of all endpoint properties across all APIs
  • Updated Authentication documentation
  • New Getting started section with basic info about the API opportunities
  • New Guides section with descriptions of some of the most well-known integration scenarios supported by the API.
  • Improved overview of endpoints and and available properties
  • Overview of possible API Errors
  • Postman collection and environment available for download

Date: 7.04.2020
New domain - Pay
The new API that makes it possible to read or update an employees’ hourly wage (linked to an employee group), monthly salary and allocation of monthly salaries in the schedule costs.

Date: 24.03.2020
New domain - Contract Rules
Contracted Rules API is a new API that enables integrations to read contract rules specified in a portal and set assign contract rule on an employee.

Date: 19.03.2020
New domain - Portal
A portal is a space/environment of a company. A single portal is the space where all employees and departments are stored.

  • GET Portal information provides basic details about the Planday portal linked to the token you are using.